Why Rebounding is Best for At Home Fitness Streaming

A recent NASA report claims that the best way to lose weight, keep your abs and be more flexible is to get back on your childhood bouncy castle. Therefore, rebounding is an ideal workout to do just that! Thanks to this past year's at home workout movement you are able to take advantage of fitness streaming and have access to rebounder workouts. Learn more about FRMATION on-demand rebounder classes here.

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Here's why trampolining is ideal for your at home fitness streaming regimen.

  • It's the perfect at-home workout! You can buy a relatively inexpensive rebounder online (see our pick below), it won't take up much space in your living room and you can bounce along to your cringiest playlist while wearing a nightie if you like. A quality sports bra is also a must-have for that package.

  • Springing is slimming. The benefits of trampolining may be as good, if not better, than dreary gym cardio. Trampolining is guaranteed to make you sweat profusely and amplify your breathing and heart rate after only five minutes. It provides the kind of exhilaration that a cross trainer simply cannot provide.

  • It doesn't feel like exercise. You may not get a goody bag at the end of the session, but the pure, unadulterated joy of jumping along to a beat is simply unparalleled, and you won't need a pep talk to get back onto the rebounder after taking a break!

Make your at home fitness streaming the most fun part of your day! We hope to see you in our next on demand rebounding classes!