4 Trampoline Exercises To Try At Home

Trampoline workouts are an effective and enjoyable way to enhance your heart health, boost endurance, and ease tension and stress.

Trampoline workouts are an effective and enjoyable way to enhance your heart health, boost endurance, and ease tension and stress. These exercises can help you develop better balance and coordination. You'll work your neck, arms, and glutes as well as your back, core, and leg muscles with these exercises.

Research shows trampoline workouts have an additional benefit of improving bone density and strength, so it's beneficial for overall bone health.

Here are four exercises to try at home on a rebounder also known as a mini trampoline:

Bouncing Warm Up

It is important to get familiarized with the trampoline surface, to regain your balance, and to warm up your muscles before a trampoline workout.

Your body burns more calories while your heart rate rises, so a warm up helps you get the best result from your workout.


Jumping Jacks

When you do jumping jacks, your torso should be slightly bent forward. Alternatively, you can lift your arms to shoulder height rather than overhead.

Here's how:

1. Stand with your feet touching and your arms by your side.

2. Jump with your feet apart while raising your arms overhead.

3. Jump back at the starting position.

4. Keep going for 1 to 3 minutes.

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Squat Jumps

Here's how:

1. Standing with your feet under your hips place your arms alongside your body.

2. Jump and spread your legs slightly wider than your hips.

3. Then drop into a squat position.

4. Bend your knees, keeping your thighs parallel to the ground.

5. Hold your arms straight out in front of you.

6. Standing up straight, return to the beginning position.

7. You can do 1 to 3 sets of 8 to 12 reps.

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Pelvic Floor Jumps

The pelvic floor and thigh muscles are targeted during this exercise.

Here's how:

1. Place a small workout ball or block between your knees.

2. Slowly jump up and down.

3. Put your focus on the muscles in your pelvis region.

4. Engage your inner thighs to squeeze the ball.

5. Resume for 1 to 3 minutes.

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